Current Rates

Fixed Deposit Rate - 3 Months

8.33% p.a

Loan Rate - Residential Housing

13.0% - 15.0% p.a

Loan Rate - Personal Loans

13.0% - 15.0% p.a

Pawning Rate

17% p.a

*Conditions Apply

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Account Features

Sisu Udana

2% Bonus interest over normal savings accounts

Free Scholarship Seminars (Sinhala/Tamil)

Cash awards & Educational value gifts for the child

Special benefits
    Special benefits: 
    • If your child does not have an existing account, the bank will deposit the initial Rs.250/- to open the account on behalf of your child.
    • Special cash awards for children that pass the grade 5 scholarship, G.C.E O/L and A/L examinations.
    • Ability to open an account at your Child school if a “Sisu Udana Savings Unit” is available.